5G? Yes. Wi-Fi 6? Yes. Intent-based Networking from Cisco? Yes.
Intent-based Networking. IT teams used to have to make tough choices about technology investments. Mobility, security, data storage, or networking were often compromised by these choices. They impact how you work today and how well-prepared you are for the technologies of tomorrow. Now you don't have to choose and you don't have to compromise. You can have Reliability, Capacity, Speed, and Bandwidth with Cisco Intent-based Networking. Check out "5G? Yes. Wi-Fi 6? Yes. Intent-based Networking from Cisco? Yes!", a video brought to you by NUage Wireless LLC, which describes how traditional technology required a tough choice. With Cisco Intent-based Networking, IT teams don't have to choose—you can have the one network that is ready for anything. @CiscoSMB