NUage Wireless's co-managed IT solutions are our customized solution for companies seeking a trusted and experienced partner to co-manage your IT department. Whether you need helpdesk staff augmentation or our NOC engineers to monitor your environment 24x7; we're your partner.
From our helpdesk to NOC to SOC, we will create a seamless extension of your current IT team. From our front-end helpdesk to take the urgent calls and chat to our back-end NOC engineers to ensure the alerts on your server are resolved; we can help your current over-burdened and over-worked IT staff.
At NUage Wireless we understand every one of our clients are different and come with different challenges and requirements. This is why we can tailor a completely custom solution to fit your individual organizations IT goals.
More than your average IT guy...
Normal day-to-day Internal IT departments are in constant firefighting mode due to a large number of users, skills gaps and inadequate training. Our goal is to run your IT department our business, which includes customized planning provided by our vCIO, regular reporting on the state of your IT through key performance indicators, end user check-in surveys, ongoing project management and help desk service level reporting. Our per-device, per-month pricing model also makes it easier to understand and predict your overall IT costs.

Network Operations Center
24x7 monitoring of your critical infrastructure, along with customized incident response plans
24x7 Local Helpdesk
Our U.S.-based 24x7 service desk can provide Tier 1 support to your end users or can act as an escalation point for your internal helpdesk (Tiers 2 and 3)
Security Monitoring and Threat Protection
Our SOC specializes in vulnerability management, security information and event monitoring (SIEM), mobile device management, intrusion detection/prevention, identity management, e-mail security and endpoint protection solutions to protect your IT environment. With a $1M ransomware guarantee!
Our recovery and backup offers state-of-the-art backup and recovery solutions that provide peace of mind in the event of business interruption or catastrophic events. Our NOC will also confirm and test all backups to ensure reliability.
Working with our partners and certified business application specialists we will provide functional support for common business applications from Microsoft, Netsuite, Intacct and others.
NUage Wireless offers a range of cloud and hosting alternatives in order to reduce the overhead associated with hosting your own data center facilities and equipment. You benefit from consistent operational spending that opens up business capital for other uses.
NUW will provide experienced IT leaders as additional guidance to assist your organization in making the best IT investments and ensuring your IT staff has the right direction and sense of urgency.
For more dedicated requirements; we can supplement your team and bring in specialists for temporary or long-term assignments on-site, including database administrators, application developers, helpdesk staff and network engineers.
Our patch and asset management solutions can be a combination of both remotely administered and on-premise parts. You can offload some of the more routine aspects of managing infrastructure and end user devices, so your IT team can focus on more strategic initiatives. Our state-of-the-art RMM agent can deploy updates and gather asset data with a few clicks!