First Reponders, Technology and COVID-19
NUage Wireless:Â
We are committed to fully supporting our first responders and emergency service clients during this difficult time; while keeping you and our employees safe. Our Help Desk, NOC and SOC have been implementing changes to continue servicing our clients with no impact to our SLAs. We have remote cellular equipment in-stock and ready to ship, FIRSTNET and VZW SIMs ready to activate, remote and on-site support services, along with rapid deployment VPN solutions available at discounted rates for agencies facing last minute changes to operations.
Please CONTACT US today to learn more about how we can keep your agency up and running through this crisis.
These three partners have stepped up their game to help us provide any additional resources your agency might need during this time. We have Cradlepoints in stock and ready to ship within 24-48 hours with FIRSTNET SIMs activated and ready (either added to your existing account or a new account), we have Verizon SIMs ready to activate and provision and we can ship directly to your location or even deliver if necessary! Please contact us if you have any need for additional devices or service.
View Cradlepoint's COVID Emergency Response Offers Here
Though it's disappearing fast, we have rugged equipment ready to ship including Samsung Active tablets and phones. Please contact us if you need any additional devices.
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