Microsoft identity-driven security

"In more than 63 percent of data breaches, hackers gain corporate network access through weak, default, or stolen user credentials." Using outdated multiple-password security is like leaving your front door unlocked for attackers. That's why Microsoft developed Azure Active Directory Premium, which keeps your front door locked and bolted with features such as a single, secure sign on for all apps for each employee and multi-factor identification to make your network less password reliant. Microsoft recognizes the importance of identity-driven security and their holistic strategy doesn't stop there. Check out this infographic to learn more.

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10 Things To Consider When It Comes To Disaster Recovery

It's easy to forget that the status quo will invariably be interrupted by something at some point in time. Don't be caught off guard. Prepare your IT for when disaster strikes with Microsoft Azure. You can use Azure Backup to restore your data in the Microsoft cloud. It replaces your existing on-premises or off-site backup solution with a cloud-based solution that is reliable, secure, and cost-competitive. With NUage Wireless LLC and Microsoft, your IT team has the resources they need to prepare for the worst-case scenario. Contact us today to find out more.

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Customer story: Allscripts

Allscripts, a leading healthcare software manufacturer, needs to host its applications securely and reliably. At NUage Wireless LLC, we know that security and reliability can be tough to find today. That's why we're here to help. In just three weeks, Allscripts lifted and shifted dozens of applications running on 1,000 virtual machines to Azure. With their data backed up by Azure SQL Database, Allscripts is ready for their digital future. Your business can do the same. If you have any interest in a secure and reliable IT service provider, join with us and Microsoft to bring your organization to the next level.

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The Intel® vPro™ Platform is Best for Business

Boost enterprise productivity without compromising security. The Intel® vPro™ Platform on Windows® 10 unleashes cutting-edge security and manageability features for businesses, resulting in 1.3x faster multitasking and 65% better overall productivity. Watch this short video now, "The Intel® Vpro™ Platform is Best for Business," brought to you by NUage Wireless LLC. @IntelBusiness

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Cisco Multicloud Portfolio

Pervasive Connectivity in the Multi-cloud World. The Internet has unlocked tremendous new capabilities and technologies, but these innovations require persistent and reliable network connectivity. Check out this short video titled "Cisco Multicloud Portfolio," brought to you by NUage Wireless LLC. The video highlights the challenges of managing multiple cloud environments and introduces Cisco Cloud Solutions for the multi-cloud world. Cisco offers the opportunity to CONNECT, PROTECT, and CONSUME CLOUD with the control, security, and consistency you need. @CiscoSMB

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The Total Economic Impact Of The Intel® vPro™ Platform

Capture the full economic benefits of Windows® 10 with devices powered by the Intel® vPro™ platform. New report shows the Intel vPro Platform reduces data security risk by $211,000. View actionable insights surrounding this development in the report, "The Total Economic Impact™ Of The Intel® vPro™ Platform," brought to you by NUage Wireless LLC.

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Cloud Managed IT for Modern Organizations

Pervasive Connectivity. Your IT organization must deliver consistent, reliable, pervasive connectivity to users who demand to be connected to critical resources and services no matter where they are—in the office or on the road. Access, security, performance, and productivity services often make the network difficult to manage. Download this practical white paper titled "Cloud Managed IT for Modern Organizations," brought to you by NUage Wireless LLC. It discusses modern IT trends and explores how the Cisco Meraki portfolio of IT solutions work together to deliver a reliable, end-to-end IT solution for modern organizations. @CiscoSMB

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